Participant successfully registered with ID: .

On this page you can either register a new Athlete, or connect an existing Athlete to an account using your email.
Please first search for your AthleteID below. You may have an AthleteID even though you do not know it, as we have generated AthleteIDs from past races.
If you found your athleteID in the search below, put it into the registration form to connect your AthleteID to your email.
If you did not find your AthleteID, create a new one by filling in the registration form and leave the AthleteID box blank.

1. Check if you already have an AthleteID, if you do, fill it in during the registration

Athlete ID Name Club Age
Type at least 3 letters to see results.

2. Register on the page

A participant with similar information already exists: . Similarity ratio: . Is this you?

No AthleteID has been entered, make sure you don't have one from before. Do you want to continue to register a new AthleteID?

You are about to link email to existing AthleteID, continue?